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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace BNG {
/// <summary>
/// Constrain a magazine when it enters this area. Attaches the magazine in place if close enough.
/// </summary>
public class MagazineSlide : MonoBehaviour {
/// <summary>
/// Clip transform name must contain this to be considered valid
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("Clip transform name must contain this to be considered valid")]
public string AcceptableMagazineName = "Clip";
/// <summary>
/// The weapon this magazine is attached to (optional)
/// </summary>RaycastWeapon
public Grabbable AttachedWeapon;
public float ClipSnapDistance = 0.075f;
public float ClipUnsnapDistance = 0.15f;
/// <summary>
/// How much force to apply to the inserted magazine if it is forcefully ejected
/// </summary>
public float EjectForce = 1f;
public Grabbable HeldMagazine = null;
Collider HeldCollider = null;
public float MagazineDistance = 0f;
bool magazineInPlace = false;
// Lock in place for physics
bool lockedInPlace = false;
public AudioClip ClipAttachSound;
public AudioClip ClipDetachSound;
RaycastWeapon parentWeapon;
GrabberArea grabClipArea;
float lastEjectTime;
void Awake() {
grabClipArea = GetComponentInChildren<GrabberArea>();
if (transform.parent != null) {
parentWeapon = transform.parent.GetComponent<RaycastWeapon>();
// Check to see if we started with a loaded magazine
if(HeldMagazine != null) {
AttachGrabbableMagazine(HeldMagazine, HeldMagazine.GetComponent<Collider>());
void LateUpdate() {
// Are we trying to grab the clip from the weapon
// There is a magazine inside the slide. Position it properly
if(HeldMagazine != null) {
HeldMagazine.transform.parent = transform;
// Lock in place immediately
if (lockedInPlace) {
HeldMagazine.transform.localPosition =;
HeldMagazine.transform.localEulerAngles =;
Vector3 localPos = HeldMagazine.transform.localPosition;
// Make sure magazine is aligned with MagazineSlide
HeldMagazine.transform.localEulerAngles =;
// Only allow Y translation. Don't allow to go up and through clip area
float localY = localPos.y;
if(localY > 0) {
localY = 0;
moveMagazine(new Vector3(0, localY, 0));
MagazineDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, HeldMagazine.transform.position);
bool clipRecentlyGrabbed = Time.time - HeldMagazine.LastGrabTime < 1f;
// Snap Magazine In Place
if (MagazineDistance < ClipSnapDistance) {
// Snap in place
if(!magazineInPlace && !recentlyEjected() && !clipRecentlyGrabbed) {
// Make sure magazine stays in place if not being grabbed
if(!HeldMagazine.BeingHeld) {
// Stop aligning clip with slide if we exceed this distance
else if(MagazineDistance >= ClipUnsnapDistance && !recentlyEjected()) {
bool recentlyEjected() {
return Time.time - lastEjectTime < 0.1f;
void moveMagazine(Vector3 localPosition) {
HeldMagazine.transform.localPosition = localPosition;
public void CheckGrabClipInput() {
// No need to check for grabbing a clip out if none exists
if(HeldMagazine == null || grabClipArea == null) {
// Don't grab clip if the weapon isn't being held
if(AttachedWeapon != null && !AttachedWeapon.BeingHeld) {
Grabber nearestGrabber = grabClipArea.GetOpenGrabber();
if (grabClipArea != null && nearestGrabber != null) {
if (nearestGrabber.HandSide == ControllerHand.Left && InputBridge.Instance.LeftGripDown) {
// grab clip
else if (nearestGrabber.HandSide == ControllerHand.Right && InputBridge.Instance.RightGripDown) {
void attachMagazine()
// Drop Item
var grabber = HeldMagazine.GetPrimaryGrabber();
HeldMagazine.DropItem(grabber, false, false);
// Play Sound
if(ClipAttachSound && Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > 0.1f) {
VRUtils.Instance.PlaySpatialClipAt(ClipAttachSound, transform.position, 1f);
// Move to desired location before locking in place
// Add fixed joint to make sure physics work properly
if (transform.parent != null)
Rigidbody parentRB = transform.parent.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
if (parentRB)
FixedJoint fj = HeldMagazine.gameObject.AddComponent<FixedJoint>();
fj.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = true;
fj.axis = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
fj.connectedBody = parentRB;
// If attached to a Raycast weapon, let it know we attached something
if (parentWeapon) {
// Don't let anything try to grab the magazine while it's within the weapon
// We will use a grabbable proxy to grab the clip back out instead
HeldMagazine.enabled = false;
lockedInPlace = true;
magazineInPlace = true;
/// <summary>
/// Detach Magazine from it's parent. Removes joint, re-enables collider, and calls events
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns the magazine that was ejected or null if no magazine was attached</returns>
Grabbable detachMagazine() {
if(HeldMagazine == null) {
return null;
VRUtils.Instance.PlaySpatialClipAt(ClipDetachSound, transform.position, 1f, 0.9f);
HeldMagazine.transform.parent = null;
// Remove fixed joint
if (transform.parent != null) {
Rigidbody parentRB = transform.parent.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
if (parentRB) {
FixedJoint fj = HeldMagazine.gameObject.GetComponent<FixedJoint>();
if (fj) {
fj.connectedBody = null;
// Reset Collider
if (HeldCollider != null) {
HeldCollider.enabled = true;
HeldCollider = null;
// Let wep know we detached something
if (parentWeapon) {
// Can be grabbed again
HeldMagazine.enabled = true;
magazineInPlace = false;
lockedInPlace = false;
lastEjectTime = Time.time;
var returnGrab = HeldMagazine;
HeldMagazine = null;
return returnGrab;
public void EjectMagazine() {
Grabbable ejectedMag = detachMagazine();
lastEjectTime = Time.time;
IEnumerator EjectMagRoutine(Grabbable ejectedMag) {
if (ejectedMag != null && ejectedMag.GetComponent<Rigidbody>() != null) {
Rigidbody ejectRigid = ejectedMag.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
// Wait before ejecting
// Move clip down before we eject it
ejectedMag.transform.parent = transform;
if(ejectedMag.transform.localPosition.y > -ClipSnapDistance) {
ejectedMag.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, -0.1f, 0);
// Eject with physics force
ejectedMag.transform.parent = null;
ejectRigid.AddForce(-ejectedMag.transform.up * EjectForce, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
ejectedMag.transform.parent = null;
yield return null;
// Pull out magazine from clip area
public void OnGrabClipArea(Grabber grabbedBy)
if (HeldMagazine != null)
// Store reference so we can eject the clip first
Grabbable temp = HeldMagazine;
// Make sure the magazine can be gripped
HeldMagazine.enabled = true;
// Eject clip into hand
// Now transfer grab to the grabber
temp.enabled = true;
public virtual void AttachGrabbableMagazine(Grabbable mag, Collider magCollider) {
HeldMagazine = mag;
HeldMagazine.transform.parent = transform;
HeldCollider = magCollider;
// Disable the collider while we're sliding it in to the weapon
if (HeldCollider != null) {
HeldCollider.enabled = false;
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {
Grabbable grab = other.GetComponent<Grabbable>();
if (HeldMagazine == null && grab != null && {
AttachGrabbableMagazine(grab, other);